Radio Modifications at the QRZ.COM Website

QRZ maintains an extensive list of radio mods which have been collected from a number of internet sources over the past several years. All of these files were contributed by the user community and none represent any sort of "official" information from the radio equipment manufacturers.

Please don't send us email asking for information on models that aren't listed here. When QRZ receives a new mod file, we place it online ASAP. QRZ does not have any special "insider" contacts with the radio equipment manufacturers and we aren't electronics experts either. Everything we have regarding this subject is kept right here, online.

If you notice an error or have any questions regarding the procedures outlined in any of the files, please notify the article's author (if possible). Some authors may choose to remain anonymous in which case you're on your own.

WHERE ELSE SHOULD YOU LOOK? One of the best sources is the amateur radio internet news group known by the name It's the best way known to ask an amateur radio question which will be seen by tens of thousands of hams, worldwide. You can find this group easily at DejaNews or on your local Internet News server.

You can also use a Web Browser to query your favorite search engine such as "Yahoo", "Lycos", "Infoseek", etc.. Just use the keywords 'radio modifications' or 'radio mods'.

Note that since this information was contributed by the user community, its accuracy cannot guaranteed or verified by QRZ. Be Careful! You can easily do serious damage to your radio and in nearly all cases, the damage won't be covered by your radio's warranty.

Your best bet is to find someone who has actually performed the mod and ask them. QRZ accepts no responsibility in the use of the information contained in these MOD files. We welcome new additions and/or corrections to existing mods.

Also note that for the vast majority of cases, using your amateur radio to transmit on non-ham and/or non-MARS frequencies is illegal, even if you are properly licensed and/or authorized to operate in one or more non-ham bands. This is because amateur grade equipment is not "type accepted" by the FCC for use in the so-called "commercial" or "public service" bands. Don't jeopardize your amateur license by failing to comply with this rule. Stiff fines and other penalties can result including but not limited to the confiscation of your equipment.

If you have a new or updated mod that you'd like to contribute, please send it via e-mail to:

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